The statement of faith of most Anglicans is embodied in our Anglican practice of "Common Prayer." Some features of Common Prayer are that scripture is prominent throughout, we say together the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, the preacher tries to help people think more deeply and prayerfully together about scripture, tradition, and lived experience, and most Sundays we share in the sacrament of Holy Communion. For more information, see Sacramental Ministry. St. Stephen's is the local parish of the Anglican Church of Canada, and belongs to the Diocese of Qu'appelle.
The logo below captures some of the ethos of our local community here at St Stephen's.

Welcoming newcomers is close to our hearts;
We believe God is most worthy
of our worship and praise,
We care deeply about people,
wherever they can be found,
We seek to share the love of Christ
widely in our community,
And we celebrate His grace
through our sacramental life together.
In the family of faith,
there is always a place for you.